It was with this view in mind I did a little quiz to cement my belief that I have a type B personality, because no one wants to be a Type A do they? We all want to be a Jennifer Lawrence and not a Reece Witherspoon.
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Why be this when you could be |

Jennifer is funny, she does funny things. I googled Jennifer Lawrence funny- there were pages dedicated to that. I googled Reece Witherspoon funny. All I got was this.
I did the test to discover I am an complete Reece Type A Witherspoon. Not convinced I asked my husband whose response was a laugh and a " You are the most Type A person I know."
Still not convinced I decided to take the test again-
1. The state of your inbox. Type A will have no unopened emails.
Well of course I have no unopened emails because I might miss something. And also because I hate seeing the red number on the email icon- it makes the screen messy.
2.Playing Monopoly. Type A plays to win.
I never win, but I do always want to be the banker. So I can steal away money like a dodgy money changer in Bali. That way I never lose.
3.Your wallet is organised.
Yes it is organised because you need to be able to find things in a hurry. And doesn't everyone have a separate wallet for their loyalty cards?
4. Walking fast.
Well of course I walk fast, I actually don't understand how people manage to walk so slow. I am overtaking people, even with my fractured leg. MOONBOOT COMING THROUGH.
5. Suffering Fools. Type A won't.
Oh come on- who has time for flakey people. This was also cemented for me yesterday when my counsellor told me that " I was blunt." She wouldn't want to hear what I actually want to say before I add the filter.
6. Multitasking.
I am the queen of multi tasking. Why do one thing when you can do three. Doesn't everyone brush their teeth in the shower, while they are waiting for the conditioner to do it's thing?
7.To- do lists.
Everyone has to do lists. Right? Lucky they didn't ask about diaries because I have four of those. On on my phone, one at home and two at work.
8. Lateness. Type A is never late.
If you are not 15 minutes early you are late. Amen.
9. Fuse- Type A has a short fuse.
Here I think I disagree. I have quite a long fuse. Until you push me. When that fuse is lit you had better watch out. I think former students will agree with that.
10. Workloads- Type A's get it done
You mean like working, studying and training for a marathon all at the same time?
So know I have this knowledge about myself I don't really know what to do with it. Maybe I will just have to be content with the fact that when I drink I totally become a Type B. Maybe I am Eddie after all.
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