Monday, 21 March 2016

Why 80% is my magic number.

SoI'm doing this thing. I'm calling it the 80% rule. From now on I am no longer expecting everything to have to be 100% perfect. 80% is good enough. That is still a good strong A grade. So it is still an A day but just gives a bit of flexibility for a few things to go wrong.

I'm not really sure how or why I can up with my 80% rule, but I honestly think it has changed my life. I no longer get hung up on everything being perfect. I don't have to be 100% perfect. My day doesn't have to be 100% and I don't have to look 100%. So something can happen during that day that might annoy me, or go wrong, or upset me and that accounts for my 20% buffer.

Some days I will not be 100% happy and I feel I  don't have to be. I can leave the house in the morning with the house looking 80%. I can eat 80% well and I can exercise 80% well. I have dropped my study down to One Unit because I don't feel the need to push myself to be doing something (and exhausting myself) 100% of the time.

It has taken some getting used to- and at times I have to remind myself that I am only aiming for 80%.

It is actually kind of really fun, and really relaxing. This of course doesn't mean that I don't strive for 100%- I just don't stress if I don't reach it. I think it is called being kind to your self. And it is really kind of nice.


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