Lets go through a typical day in the life of a working mum (me).
5am : Wake up. Stumble with eyes still shut, put on exercise gear (hopefully not inside out) and exercise.
7am: Get home from said exercise. Attempt to wake up children.
7:05 am: Get in shower, wash hair, get dressed, do makeup and hair.
7:15 Try to get child up again. Make them breakfast, ensure they have everything they need for the day.
7:20: Tell child to get dressed. Feed the animals, make the bed, tidy the house.
7:25 :Yell at child to get dressed. Pack you lunch and all the stuff you need to get to work. Find that someone has eaten the leftovers that was your lunch as a midnight snack.
7:26 :Go through the dirty washing basket to find a school shirt for child to wear. Give it a spray of deodorant to hide smell.
7:27 Send snapchat to friends (because you don't want to break your 157 day streak) Ask oldest child to take the rubbish out.
7:30 :Try and calm child down after upsetting them for the yelling. Jump in the car.
7:31: Go back inside because you have forgotten your phone.
7:32 :Go past coffee shop ( or if running late from Maccas) get coffee. Eat breakfast on the way to work.
8:00 :Get to work
8:15 :Get message from child saying they can't find their phone/keys/musical instrument/ (insert item here).
8:15-3:30: Get to work. Have a second coffee. Work (in my case teach stuff, yell at kids, talk to teachers, fix problems, calm down kids, email parents/ do duty, get yelled at by kids).
3:30-4:30 Generally a meeting or do some work. If none of the above- go and do the grocery shopping. Ask kids what they want for dinner- they say they don't care.
4:35 Get a phone call from a child minutes after you have left the shop telling you they need something urgently for tomorrow.
5:00 Get home-talk to children. Tidy the house (yes I know we did that before I left for work, but as children have been home and needs tidying up again). Take out rubbish that said oldest child didn't take out (whilst generally yelling- ' If its falls on the floor while you are trying to put it in the bin, the bin is probably full").

5:30 Make dinner (unless you don't have an activity to take a child too). Whilst making dinner, help with homework, make lunches for the next day, sign notes, feed the animals, put on a load of washing. Wish this wasn't the week you had given up drinking.
6:00 Watch family feud whilst eating dinner. (don't judge- who doesn't play along to fast money?). Kids complain thats not what they want for dinner.
6:30 Do the dishes, argue with the children to help with the dishes. Adjudicate arguments between children whilst they are doing dishes- is putting away really any easier than drying? Feed the animals (they never care what they get for dinner).

6:35 Check uniforms/clothes are ready for the next day. Ask children to have shower. Water the garden.
7:00 Do a final tidy up of the house.
7:30 Sit on the bed and check all your social medias, watch some tv and cuddle dogs and cats. Plan tomorrow, including work stuff and arrangements for children.
8:00 Have shower, put on pyjamies and settle in for an early night in front on the computer/tv/ipad.
11:00 Look at the time and get shocked that you accidentley got sidetracked looking at dog videos on the internet and you should have been asleep aged ago.
3am Wake up to go to the toilet, then start thinking of what you have to do. And then getting into a panic that you are never going to ever sleep again and you are going to be tired for the rest of your life.
To my pioneering women who fought for my right to equality- I thank you. Can we also fight for our right to have a personal assistant?
* I am also in no way saying working mothers work harder than stay at home mothers. I am just talking about me.
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