Please excuse the week or so it's been between blogs but my real life that pays the bills has been getting in the way. I am actually on holidays at the moment- but they are about to be really full on so I thought I would give you a life up date in 10 simple points and explain why I have been distracted.
1. I am in my final unit of my Masters Degree. I have an assignment due and it is frigging huge. I also had to pay up front for this so now I know that this 12 week unit is costing me $2500 (yes I did count that in terms of trips to Bali) I thought I had better put in some effort. I finished it tonight. I legit have spent about 2 hours on it a day for the last 5 weeks. If I don't pass I will be pissed. And then I will get pissed.
2. I have finally made the decision to sell my house and start the new journey that will be my new life. I am terrified, overwhelmed, sad and excited. But mostly excited.
3. My kitty kat Will-yum yum went missing. And then I found him and he had been attacked by either a dog or cat. He had the equivilant of a cat black eye. He is hiding upstairs because he is no longer the most beautiful cat in the cosmos. I don't know where his vanity comes from.
4. I have taken up exercising again, because I am really really bad at giving up food. I am rediscovering my love of running. My lungs... not so much.
5. I have been doing a bit of socialising. I love my friends and the only thing I love more than my friends is spending time with them. We drink too much, talk too much and laugh too much. It is the best.
6. I went on a mini break to Margaret River. It was the bomb. I will blog about that later- but Margs " You here for the pro?" is the most beautiful part of the world. And I got to eat a crumbed chicken and cheese sausage on the way down.
7. Reports were due at work. And some how I did them wrong so all my year 10's got 0's. Whoops. Reports also mean marking, lots and lots of marking. I can now tell you everything you ever needed to know about Christopher Nolan and Flo Rida's Whistle music video clip.
8. I have been cleaning up my house. And I have a lot of shit. Like a lot. Thank God we have a bulk rubbish pick up. However I'm ready for the council to come and pick it up- because people have been going through the rubbish. I told one lady off today. I told her if she was going through it not to make a mess. She pulled a finger sign and walked off.
9. I have an awful lot of shows to binge watch. I am currently mid way through Riverdale, Secret Little Lies, Crazy Ex Girlfriend and Designated Survivor. Thank God I have holidays.
10. I haven't really had anything funny to say. At times life can overwhelm me- and the last few weeks have been that way. I am pretty good at laughing at my self most of the time, but some times I need to take a step back and regroup. I find listening to Keith Urban in my car on the way to work helps very much. Adele- not so much.
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