Well Ross and I have been together for a whole 16 weeks now. And he is the ultimate Stage 5 clinger. This guy just won't leave me alone. His love for me is still as strong as ever. But like every dysfunctional relationship we are learning to coexist with each other a little bit better.
So after 4 months of being with Ross this is what it is like..
1. Everyday is still like waking up with a hangover. But without the fun of the night before.
2. I still sleep. A lot. And spend a lot of time in bed. Like a lot. A real lot.
3.When I get over tired or don't rest enough the virus moves through out my body. I get pins and needles through out my whole body until it finds a spot to rest. Kind of like the wheel spinning in a game of roulette. For the last week Ross has decided there is not better spot to rest but my wrists. To the point where I can't hold anything. God forbid last week I couldn't even hold my phone.

But on the positive....
1. I can do a bit more. Like I can clean my house AND I finally folded my washing from Bali.... which has been sitting in the laundry from 14 weeks ago. Don't worry though- I still don't make my bed.
2. I don't cry all the time anymore. This is a positive for my friends who are sick to death of crying Friday. But don't say anything to upset me......
3. I can actually exercise a bit. Yesterday I took Ross for a 5km run. In the time I would usually run 10km- but a run is a run.
4. I have cleared through my " to view" list from Netflix, Stan and Foxtel.( Animal Kingdom- you MUST watch Animal Kingdom).
5. Yesterday I cooked a meal for my daughter and I. Yep the first time I have made something from scratch. AND I even had the energy to wash the dishes straight after and not 3 days later.
All of these little positives are good because I head back to work on Monday and I'm not going to lie- I am shit scared of how it is going to go. I can just make it through the day doing the bare minimum, so a day, and then a week of work does seem even more daunting than running a marathon. Or that stupid 100km run the boys from work made me do.
But I am looking forward to seeing my work buddies.. they just might have to get used to seeing me asleep on the couch at recess.
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