Saturday, 2 November 2013

This needs to go in the "Are you Kidding Me" File

This is my Facebook profile shot.
It looks like me but better
I have just read in the paper about a "service where for the bargain price of $1200 you will be made up, done up and taught how to pose so you can have an awesome Facebook, Twitter or any social media photo. Apparently it is all about building your brand.

Personally I think it is all about someone realising that some people have far too much money and will spend it on anything.

I am aware that my Facebook profile photo is taken after I had a professional hair and makeup job done ( I took it after I had my Loreal photoshoot) but the trick is in the posing and having LOTS of photos to choose from.

So here is my advice for free.
1. Call a friend
2. Do your makeup
3. Do your hair 
4. Borrow a DSLR camera
5. Drink some wine - or if you are pressed for time champagne (the bubbles make you merry faster). Please note I said merry NOT drunk. No one needs a drunk photo to represent their "brand".
6. Give your friend the camera and put the camera on sports mode and take a cazillion photos.  
7. Upload them and you are sure to have a great photo.
Now at this stage photoshop is optional. I am joking about the photoshop but nothing wrong with a bit of shushing with a nice filter.

or you could do this
Read this..

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