Sunday, 5 January 2014

Life Cuts

  A couple of months ago I was out with my wine- sorry book- club and we were discussing hair. As most of you have discovered by now I am slightly obsessed with my hair.  One of my girlfriends who I will called Shelley revealed to us all that she had had the same hair style since she was young. Like 10 young. (feel free to correct me on that Shell).

Anyway we all did  the " no way thing" I mean how could anyone have the same hair since they were a child?  Then I got home and thought about it while I was in the shower (which apart from 2 in the morning is where I do my best thinking) and I realised that apart for a few, and I do mean a few, times when I have been adventurous, bored or just become a mum (which is when everyone gets the mum bob). 

                                                   I googled soccer mom and got this.

                                                       Really I was thinking more this.

I have essentially also had the same hair since I was about 5.

Yep- exactly the same (minus the piggy tails)

 I may style it differently but my hair has almost always been one length, no fringe (thats bangs to my American readers- I do have have them!) and just past my shoulders in length. I would love it to be longer but my hair just stops growing once it gets to that length. Or snaps, which ever comes first. Sometimes it might be a fraction shorter, maybe some layers (did you mention the Rachel??) but essentially the same.

                              Did anyone over the age of 20 in the 90's NOT have this cut?

I asked around at work, and then every one I know and the answer was really always the same. We all might mess around we our hair, be at times daring or creative, but we all pretty much return to the same do.

My friends Claire even gave it a name " The Life Cut". This is your cut that you feel confident, happy and safe wearing. You can do it with your eyes closed, and in a flash. Any slight changes to your life cut and you don't quite feel right. You know when you wake up in the morning and you look at the mirror and your stomach sinks a bit? Or when you are in the bathroom attempting to do your hair and nothing is working?

So how do you discover your life cut? To be honest I don't really know. Maybe through trial and error, or is it because the hair you mum chooses for you when you are young is who you become and how others know you?  Unless of course you are that child who cuts their hair when they are little. 

                                          Whoops- someones a naughty Miss Muffin

Through trial and error I know I can't have a fringe (I have a cowlick right in the front of my face) I know I can't have it too short ( I have curls, I could straighten it but one sign of water and an afro would appear). I know it can't be too dark, or too light (that god for Ruth the most amazing hair colourist in the whole wide world). I know it has to be long enough to put up because I exercise and can not always be bothered washing it ( don't judge I have 45 minutes to get me and my daughter organised in the mornings). I also know I have to be able to do different things with it. I am a Gemini and I never know which twin I wake up being.

My life cut means I know what works, and how to do it in the mornings, or night. It also just feels like me.

Celebs are known for their life cuts and they very rarely change it, and when the do they really don't last long. 
Remember when Carrie Bradshaw cut off her long locks?

Wrong, wrong, wrong

      Much better- It suits both her character and her style

Imagine Jennifer Anniston with a pixie crop, or Miranda with a short bob. Kate Moss is known for her often ratty looking locks,
             and Lara Bingle rocks the lob ( thats a long bob).

 And then there is that really annoying women from the Real Housewives who flicks her hair constantly.

Halle Berry may grow her hair long but always goes back to her crop (if you looked like that why wouldn't you?).

 Demi Moore dispels the idea that anyone over 40 must cut their hair.

 Beyonce may have a bob, but she still pulls out the weave

Sometimes people get their life cut wrong. Pamela Anderson is a good choice. This is her life cut

             But personally I think her new cut look amazing

              Cameron Diaz life cut is also on the longer side

But I think she looks way more glam with a shorter bob

Michelle Williams is another who looks great with long hair

But amazing with short

One celeb who bucks the trend is Regina George, sorry Rachel Mc Adams, but then maybe that is because she is so ridiculously beautiful she can wear her hair any way she pleases.
                              Beautiful as a blonde

                              Beautiful as a brunette

So next time you go to the hairdresser and they ask you " So what are we doing today?" I think we can all reply with confidence-" Just my life cut thanks." 

Unless of course they can make your hair look like this


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