I am in my very happy place at the moment- otherwise known as Bali and it is as magnificent as ever. I have mixed things up a bit this time and I am staying somewhere different, and I have even gone to a few new places, as well as my all time favourites.
Now it has only been 3 months since my last visit, so to be honest not much has changed, but I thought I would go through my list of things to do, that I have done this visit.
1. Stayed in a cute Villa.
We are in a Villa called Villa Kamborja Junior. It has an amazing pool, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, living area, wifi, a lovely maid who comes and cleans up in the morning and it was cheap (roughly $150 a night). It is tucked away off Legian Street about 400 metres before you hit Bintang Supermarket. Can't recommend it enough.
2. Had drinks on the beach
We missed sunset but we have done after dinner drinks at Champlung (biggest frozen strawberry daquiris in the world and also had dinner at a newish beach bar whose name I can't remember but it was in the front of Double 6 and Cocoon. It was delish, and even though it was nighttime, it was still beautiful watching the planes fly in and out and the lanterns heading off over the sea.
3. Had some fab culinary experiences.
We have not had a bad meal here. We have gone to all my fav's- Bo & Bun, Fat Gaha, Ginger Moon, and also tried out a few newies to me- including Jemme (which has the most divine jewellery shop in the front and also heading to Mamasan tonight. The food is seriously amazing, and cheap- but the drinks are a killer.

4. Gone to some beach clubs
We had breakfast which turned into lunch at KuDeTa. I haven't been there for years, but still good, and who can say no to a mojito and a bellini to wash down you scrambled eggs. We also went to Potato Head. Not going to lie- I'm not really a fan. It is bloody expensive and I find it a bit mah. Or may I'm just to old for it. We were going to head up to Finns, but the appeal of drinking our duty free by our pool got to much.
5. Gone shopping
And by shopping I don't mean the "shit shops" as I like to call them (the stalls that sell all the stuff you need like you cheap copy sunnies, tshirts, caps sarongs, penis bottle openers and amazingly Naked Palettes and Kylie Cosmetics- I didn't buy them they have been sitting in the sun and that can't be good)- I mean some of the beautiful clothing and home wares. Cushions, cute "things" and beautiful dresses are everywhere. They can be expensive- the especially as you head further into Seminyak, but there is some adorable stuff.
6. Done the Bintang supermarket shop.
Fill that carry basket up with Pantene,toothbrushes and sensodyne toothpaste. So much cheaper than at home.
7. Drunk lots of Bintang.
Nothing goes with hot weather better than a Bintang, or a Bintang Radler (tastes like a shandy). Yum, yum, yum.
8. Has good massages.
Don't get me wrong - there is a place for a cheap massage- but I have saved my money and had a Singing Bowl massage at Jari Manari (which has just won best affordable day spa in the world) and an Aryvedic massage at Spa Bali. Both were around $50 Australian, but for 90 Minutes of bliss- it is worth every cent.
9. Walked and sweated
It is bloody hot at the moment. There is no rain this week, so the weather is so hot. I have never sweated this much in my life- but if you can be bothered a walk means you see so much. We took a walk along the beach which is a fast way to get to areas out of Seminyak although the rubbish was really bad in some bits.
10. Relaxed.
And that is all that needs to be said about that.
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