On the back of my last post about the 32 signs that I don't have my life together. Most of the feedback was very supportive (thank you) and I was encouraged that I have my life together enough. So I thought I would give you my list of the signs I think you have your life together. According to me.
1. You get to work everyday on time, dressed and looking half decent. ( I was going to add with your lunch- but today I forgot my lunch. I'm freaking starving).
2. Your children are alive, have breakfast, you (mostly) remember to put their lunch in their school bag and get to school every day.
3. You do the washing and manage to hang it on the line. And it stays on the line for less than a week.
4. The basket of washing then stays in the laundry for less than a week. In my case this is because I have either run out of clean knickers or I need my "hold my tummy in" knickers so I figure it is time to attack that basket. If I'm being honest the last basket of washing took me 2 weeks to fold. But hey it finally got folded.
5. You know exactly how far you can drive around with the petrol light on in your car before you run out of petrol.
6. You don't make your bed everyday- but at least one day a week. Well once in the fortnight. Oh ok then at least when you change the sheets.
7. You remember to feed the animals. Some days the dogs may have to have cat biscuits and vice versa, but food is food right?
8. You always give you kids veggies. Because you always have a bag of frozen peas and corn in the freezer. And on the days you run out of frozen peas and corn you just make pasta. Because you always have pasta and pasta sauce.
9. You pay all your bills before you get a final notice. Well maybe on the day you get the final notice. Or the day after.
10. You walk around at work fast and with a piece of paper and a pen in your hand because that way it looks like you know what you are doing. And the faster you walk the more important and busy you look.
11. You are able to laugh at yourself and admit that 75% you don't have you shit together. And thats what make you human.