Well check you out you glam thing you! Embrace that hair style while you can because believe me this is about the only time you will be happy with your hair. But don't worry because in about 15 years this awesome thing called a GHD will be invented and it will change your life. You know that cowlick you hate at the front of your hair? Well this is straighten it out.
So the reason I am writing to you is to just fill you in on a few beauty tips that you really should start with now, because to be honest you will age ok, but there are a few things you have forgotten.
1. Sunblock. Yep I know it is still 1988 and only the weak wear sunblock, but take it from me - lather that stuff on your face. The Australian sun is fierce and this will give you wrinkles. You might also want to go a bit crazy and wear a hat.
2. Sunblock (yes again) but this time put it on your HANDS. These hands of yours is going to be one thing that will always give away your age. I would recommend sun block every day and hand cream at night. No need to go crazy and wear gloves (because that is just dumb), but look after them. Even in 2014 they haven't invented plastic surgery for that!
3. Moisturise your LIPS. Yep you heard me. This weird thing will happen to you in 2014. You will wake up one morning and have this deep line leading from your top lip. Your lipstick will bleed and you will look like a 70 year old crazy cat lady. You will then have to use a lip cream to try and solve the problem, so start young.
4. Moisturise your neck. Yep neck. It will go liney, crepey and like a chookie neck. You will morph into Kath from Kath and Kim before you know it.
5. Tricep dips will be important because you will get flabby arms. This is not good, especially when you are a teacher because as you write on the white board your arms will wobble. Just like Mrs Twaddle's - your Year 3 teacher.
6. Seriously think about getting your teeth straightened. Even though they warn you it will be a long process you will hate those front teeth of a passion for all of your life, and you will have no photos of you with an open smile. No amount of practising smiles in the mirror will perfect the angle where is doesn't look like you are missing a tooth.
7. You will get a nasty dose of Adult acne when you are in your 30's. Be warned. Oh and don't bother coming off the Pill that you take for your skin, the acne will come back. It does not make you feel young. It makes you feel sore.
8. When you are pregnant ensure that you rub that oil on the UNDERSIDE of your tummy. You see, you will be all proud of your self that you have no stretch marks and then you will have the baby and BAM- those stretch marks are amazing. Even the midwife will comment and shake her head in sympathy.
9. See how fat you think you are now? Well you are not and this is about as skinny as you will get. You will worry about your weight for the rest of your life, so maybe go easy on that. Oh and bad news, curves never come back into fashion, and you will lose your boobs when you have your first child.
10. Maybe start doing some exercise now. You will take up running when you are in your 30's. Really. And you will like it. Sort of. Oh and that aqua blue leotard and white leggings you will wear to the Step Class is a mistake. Your mum will tell you it looks like you are wearing condoms on your legs. She has a valid point.

11. Don't carry the cat down the stairs. You will fall, the cat will scratch you and you will have a scar on your chest that will never go away. You will fall down stairs a lot. Be careful.
Lots of Love
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