Tuesday, 25 February 2014

MKR just for my mum

I just had a phone call from my mum wanting to know where last nights recap was from MKR. Well as I explained to mum, there was really nothing to recap. It was as bad as everybody thought it would be and wanted it to be.

I can see the Jack Nicholson thing- in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest after he had the lobotomy

1.They called each other baby a lot

2.They told each other how much they loved each other. A lot

3.She ironed his pants- showing the price she is paying for that house and that car and apparently the cleaning/ironing lady (when she is not doing it of course)

The most horrifying you will see on television this year- Repeat after me- Corrine you can do BETTER

4. He drank wine whilst she ironed those pants,demonstrating why he needs a young girlfriend because no woman would do that

5.They demonstrated that they really don't know how to cook- (honestly you should have heard my mums reaction when he a. cleaned the prawns in hot water, and b. overcrowded the pan with the said prawns)

6. They demonstrated that they don't know the difference between a soup and a puree. Apparently they are they same thing.
           You shouldn't be able to do this with soup, or a puree.

7. They demonstrated that a mushroom pasta sauce does not make a mushroom sauce for a piece of pork that has had the living daylights beaten out of it

8. They demonstrated that a chocolate quiche may look nice, but tastes like, well, a chocolate quiche

9. They raised questions of how a bank manager drives a mighty fine Mercedes and lives waterfront and owns a big boat. ( Maybe the bank should be looking into that)

10 The demonstrated that the really just have bad taste. That is why they are being so nasty to everyone else. They honestly believe that their food is good and everyone else's is bad.

And that baby, is that.

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