Wednesday, 19 February 2014

So if you have Botox and no one notices, did it really happen?

You know sort of like that saying "If a tree falls in the forest?" Well I have a confession to make. I have had Botox in my forehead. And nobody and I mean NOBODY noticed. I was waiting patiently for someone to say something, but nope, nothing. This means either maybe I look no different, or people don't pay as much attention to me as I thought they did. WHAT???? I am not the centre of everyone's universe??

The closest I think anyone got to noticing was a girl in my class today who asked me if I was wearing makeup because I looked different. This quietly terrified me. Did she think I don't normally wear makeup? That face was a good as it gets.

So my botox experience. Well I got it done in Sydney 4 weeks ago. I figured I had pumped myself with so much French champagne, what was a bit of botulism injected into my face. I found a little salon? Clinic? and made a booking. It was only $135. Thats less than a steak at Rockpool. Well nearly. 

I rocked up the next day with maybe a teeny tiny hangover. Alright maybe a massive one. I was ushered through to the room by a lady who had a face that didn't move. She asked me what my area of concern was. I told her my forehead. She said " Is that all?" Ummmm yeah.

Because it was my first treatment I had to have an interview with the Dr. On his phone.   She then asked me how much movement I wanted in my forehead. I told her I was a teacher so I had to still be able to do "the look". I thought I was being funny. She didn't get it.

           Me attempting  "The look"- God no wonder the kids stop talking that is horrifying

I lay down, she gave me some ice for my forehead, and then she injected me with 5 little bits of botox. It didn't hurt at all. But them I do run marathons. And have had three kids. And I work with teenagers. 

It was all over in about 5 minutes. I got up and I was out the door, home to sleep off my hangover.

Not much happen until a few days later when I noticed that I couldn't frown properly. This may have also been due to the copious amount of champagne,and lets face it, I had nothing to frown about.

Lucky I had nothing to frown about- because I couldn't even if I wanted to. Not a horizontal line to be seen.

Once home, I wore my hair pulled back a lot, Nothing. I try to do "the look" with my classes. They still shut up. Eventually I told my husband. He said I looked no different. I told my mum, she said it looked smooth. I told my friend Claire, she said it looked smooth. 

                         The forehead doing the "thinking pose" I look tired because I am tired.

Personally- I like it and I can see a difference. The other positive is that I have not had any headaches since I have had it done. Well apart from a sinus headache but that doesn't count.

Will I do it again? Yes probably because I am incredibly vain and not happy about getting older. And also now my horizontal forehead lines are gone I can notice those lines near my eyebrows, and the ones near my lips and.... Just stop me before I get to this.

image via Pinterest

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