Cut to the races. Blake is waiting. Lisa is wearing a dumb hat. Lucky she was right with her guess of the races, because otherwise she would have looked really stupid (er). Lisa is stumped as to how Blake could have arranged the whole racetrack to themselves. (I think the producers may have had something to do with it.) They pick two horses to have a race......and ....some horse wins. They start drinking. This makes me happy. I hope the race date finishes in true Australian race day style, with Lisa walking home with no shoes on, red wine stains down her white frock and Blake holding her hair while she vomits on the curb.

Back in the big house, the group date card is there. Jess is gushing, Sam is missing Blake, Chantal reads the date card, Jess is being over enthusiastic now, and everybody is going except for Laurina and Chantal. Jess pretends to be shocked that she is going.. Laurina can't hide the look of " I want to punch Jess in the face."
Back on the date, we are in someone house, sitting on their balcony. Lisa is still wearing the dumb hat. Now she is talking about babies. And family. Blake says he can see a future with Lisa. REALLY?? Geez Blake- your taste in gerls is crap. Now they have moved to the couch. Blake is giving Lisa a massage. Any excuse to get her to take that hat off. They are still talking about their feelings. It's sooooo hard for Lisa to express her feelings, but right now she is telling Blake she could fall in love with him. She gets a rose. Blake gets a pash. See that was easy.
The next day we wake up to the dreadful news that Laurina has gone off to hospital. She has a bad tummy ache. The girls pretend to care. They are using words like "moving forward" and "connection".
Anyway enough about that- it's group date time. The girls rock up to where Blake and Oshie are waiting. WITH ANOTHER CHICK. (Well chick is pushing it, lady maybe). They are at a haunted house. Just on case you are not sure if it is haunted, they have scary music on. And the other lady is not the new competition. She is a psychic. The girls are in a haunted hospital (not the one Laurina is in though- that would have been fun.) Jess gets the first reading- she is going to find her soul mate. Sam is told she is a worrier. Blake is next- he is going to find lasting love. We don't hear anyone else's reading. They mustn't be going to find love. The girls go on a tour, and are getting mad with Jess who is clinging to Blake like superglue. OMG- there is a ghost! A really bored ghost. Oh no its not, its Lauren. Blake realises she has had no air time (because she was boring),so he takes her for a "walk" Blake talks about whether or not they will be "going forward". Meanwhile the girls are having a very passive aggressive conversation with Jess. She either doesn't get it, or she very much gets its and it playing the game.( My vote is for the latter)
Blake comes back in and takes Jess for a walk. Sam nearly falls off the couch. Zoe is feeling wronged by Jess, and Sam is talking about how Jess is not self aware. I not sure what that means.
Date is O.V.E.R and we are getting ready for.....COCKTAIL PARTY TIME.
Is it just me or does Louise look like a newsreader?
The girls aren't happy though- the vibe is off (once again- what does that mean?). Blake rocks up and says that he has seen Laurina. She is in high spirits, or maybe thats the painkillers.(I made that up- Blake isn't allowed to crack jokes) Chantal goes and has a chat with Blake. She tell him that the girls all think Jess has it in the bag. Blake gets a bit defensive. This is the first time Blake has shown any real emotion. You go Blake! Chantal starts to cry because I think she realises that she has just blown it with Blake. Bummer.

The girls are now getting stuck into Jess. Lauren is just standing there. Sam and Blake have a chat. Blakes little eyes are sparkling. And he brings out the old " I can see you as someone I can see a future with" chestnut. FOR THE SECOND TIME TONIGHT.
Lets just get this rose ceremoany over and done with. Laurina gets her rose in hospital (that would have been a good date to see- Laurina yelling at Blake " See this is what happens when you make me eat a dirty street pie."
and Blake saying "Will a rose make it better?"
"Shit yeah!")
It is down to two girls Jess and Chantal - Hang on! The ghost from the haunted house is there- oh no - its Lauren. Jess gets her rose. Chantal is kicking herself for talking to Blake. And the loser is LAUREN. Because she is both boring and a bad actress and can't pretend she feels a "connection" with Blake. The final of the intruders have gone. What a waste of casting those newbies were!!
And then there was 6. Well 7 really if you count the one in hospital from a dirty street pie.
photos via The Bachelor website.
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