So tonights episode is every mans worst nightmare. Being in a room with all your ex girlfriends. Well except he is not in the room. He has sent his bromance buddy Osher.
"Please no not Bat Shit Crazy Amber"
Geez so many girls most who I don't recognise and they are using the Masterchef music, which makes me look around for Adriano Zumbo with a croquembouche.
Osh talks to Diana (like the Princess) and Anida (batshit crazy- but not as crazy as Amber). Anida is clearly mortified by her behaviour, and Diana just giggles, and for the record she has far too much magic silverwhite toner in her hair.
We saw a little fight between Laurina and Amber, and then they did this weird make up thing where Amber apologised and Princess Laurina humbly accepted the apology. Then they spoke to the new girls, and Laurina starting talking abut the "process", and how they made them question the "process". We revisit some of Ambers tantrums, including my favourite ever " The f-ing dog gets a date, but not Amber"

Yeah- time for a bit of Laurina. Including her infamous "dirty street pie", and doing her hair whilst sky diving. Osh asks the hard questions like' "Are you really looking for love or were you promoting yourself. "(for the record yes she was you can make up your mind as to which bit). The best bit about this is that Laurina is actually quite funny, and she eats pies from the servo, and she wore no knickers under her cocktail bowling frock (she should have told Blake that, I bet he would have taken her somewhere for something more than a dirty street pie)
Oshie talks to Zoe who is actually quite sad, almoston the verge of tears. Chantal is cool with it all, because if nothing else she can put down that she was the (unofficial) host of a reality dating show.
Finally we relive the dates with the four remaining girls, first Louise (the girls say she is a lovely homemaker- the call her Stepford- but in the nicest possible way) The girls are surprised when they see footage of their dates. They think he is seeing a mother figure in Louise. She is quite a popular choice with the girls. Interesting.
Next we look at Jess. There is heated discussion over kissing. The girls don't believe they did. They did. With tongue. The girls call her "Magical Jess" because she speaks like everything is "magical". Thats funny.
"Hi- I'm Jess and the world is full of sunshine and lollipops and magic. Lots and lots of magic."
Next is the girl whose name I forget. It is Lisa. Lisa seems nice, but I just don't get it. She is like his little sister. I'm bored just watching the montage. But apparently she is nice. But who wants to be nice?
Finally Sam. Her package is very cute. She is very cute. The girls are happy with her package as well. They all like her a lot. She is "real".
So at the end of the episode the girls are torn between Sam and Jess. So it's the choice between the real and the fake. Mmmmmm
Sorry this recap is boring, not much happened. Osher really needs to watch "Real Housewives Reunion". Now thats television
Click Here to watch a moment from a real reunion show. Lets hope tomorrow nights episode is more exciting.
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