So on today, my first day of doing absolutely nothing- so much so that it is nearly 2pm and I am still in my pyjamas I though I would give you a bit of a catch up with absolutely no reference what so ever to The Bachelor. Although I do have some thoughts in that. But maybe later.
Most exciting news is that I am on holidays. This is awesomely awesome. It would appear I have done in my holidays what every teacher does. A bit of spring cleaning. My goal was to clean my son's room. 19 towels and 6 goon bags (thats Australian for bags of wine) later we were done. I cleaned my pantry, went to Ikea and spent a fortune. All that stuff looks so cheap. It is a con. You get to the check out and all those cheap things suddenly and up being really expensive things. But can you really ever have too many white containers? Or serviettes and straws?
I also have a new puppy. A very cute new puppy whose favourite thing to do it to
1. Annoy the hell out of the cats
2. Annoy the hell out of the dog
3. Wee on the beds.
Lucky she is cute. And that is all I can say about that.

I am still having foot issues. I have been to physio and a my massage lady. The physic told me I run wrong. This also means apart from a walk I have done no exercise what so ever. Secretly though I think I am loving it. I pretend to be sad when I ring my running buddy and say "foots still sore." Then I roll over in bed and it is bliss. And wake up 2 hours later.
I have been lunching, going to some places I have never been before. Unfortunately one of those venues was a freaking sharing place, and you know how I feel about sharing.While I am on the subject I am beginning to believe that " Our meals are designed to share, so they come out when they are ready" is actually code for " getting all the meals ready at once is a pain in the butt, so lets just call it sharing". I sucked it up though and it was nice.

My daughter took me to a yummy place with yummy coffee. I think I am turning back to coffee. We also went shopping and tried on lots of expensive shoes, most of which as my daughter told me made me look like a hooker. I do, however, had to respect those young things that manage to walk in those hooker heels. I wonder what their physio bills are like.

These are the hooker heels I tried. They are classy hooker heels though, Louboutin hooker heels.
I am also spending time catching up on my Foxtel. Crap tv always holds a place in my heart. My latest favourite is Ink Master. Especially when they tell the tattooist to "pack their things and go". One thing I am interested in though is how many times " Sense and Sensibility" and "How to lose a Guy in 10 Days" has been on. Awww the days before Matthew McCona (however you spell it) could act.
So that is about it. Now you will have to excuse me because my dogs are fighting. Now they are kissing.
And then they sleep.
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