Here is a list of food I really don't understand.

Weet bix- Australia for soggy bits of cardboard.
1. Weet Bix. Yuck, texture like vomit. Tastes like cardboard unless you add sugar, and eat quickly. The only thing I understand less than Weetbix is gluten free Weetbix, because isn't wheat....gluten??
2. Sundried tomato. I am a bit iffy with tomato - unless it is in a sauce or the seeds are removed, but I really don't like them. They taste oily. A waste of time.

Why ruin a perfectly good cake with soggy cherries?
3.Black Forest Cake. Why would you ruin a cake with a lovely chocolate icing by putting soggy cherries and jam in it? I like cherries, if there is a cherry in your drink I will steal it off you. But in a cake, soggy. Yuk.
4. Chocolate mud cake. Tastes like plasticine. Enough said.
5. Black current flavoured anything except for Ribena. Because that just tastes like purple sugar.
6. Crabs. So much effort for so little reward.
7. Decaf coffee. Do I need to say more?
8. Soy milk. It just tastes weird. Now part of my dislike could be because when both my elder children where little they couldn't drink dairy, so the only option was soy milk formula. Lets just say once that smell of soy milk vomit gets up your nose, it never goes away.

To you this may look yummy. To me it is a great big bowl of food poisoning.
9. Mussels. I got food poisoning from mussels once. And I have a cast iron stomach. Those things must have been really, really bad.
10. Wholemeal pasta. If you are going to have pasta you know you are no about to have anything healthy. You have it for the carbs. Because carbs are king.
11. Bourbon. Although not technically a food, I don't do brown drinks. I haven't even had a bad experience, although it was the first alcohol I ever tried.

Seriously- what is the point?
12. Drinking yoghurt. Who ever thought there was a need for that as a drink was on drugs (or maybe too much yoghurt). It is also like the texture of vomit ( can you see I have texture issues) and there is no point to it. If you want yoghurt- get a spoon and eat it. Like a grown up.
13. Wafer chocolates. Why ruin a good chocolate by adding a wafer into it. There was a lesson to be learnt from Polly Waffles. Although I do like Kit Kats. Maybe the ration just needs to be three quarters chocolate to one quarter wafer.
Chunky, caramel kit kats - good. So so good.
Polly waffles- not good.
How about you? Are there any foods you just don't understand?
Oh and this is deep fried butter. It didn't come with instructions, so I can't tell you how to make it.
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