Damn her, and her and her good looking husband and Stella McCartney outfit.
Let me start at the beginning. I am generally not a crazy feminist and I am happy with some gender roles- like boys take out the rubbish, remove the dead mice that the cat has caught and lift heavy stuff, and girls do stuff like cook and have more outfit choices than just shorts and trousers I also believe that anyone can go a job no matter what their sex. In fact I think I am not a feminist, but rather and Equalitist (I made that word up, but it works- doesn't it?) but today I discovered something that made me OUTRAGED.
Where I live if you want your child to go to a ridiculously overpriced Private school, you have to enrol them at conception. I actually don't have an issue with Government schools because I work in one, but it is all relative to where you live and the schools around you. My youngest daughter is at the moment enrolled at four Private schools. Needless to say we are hedging out bets. Did I also mention the non refundable deposit?? No wonder those schools have such lovely lawn.
So as the year that she will begin at one of these schools gets closer, we are getting letters and school magazines, lots and lots of magazines confirming our details. We got one such letters on Thursday. Tonight I got it out of the envelope and checked our details. I discovered that even though my husband and I both do the same job- Teachers- it would appear that my husband is an ACADEMIC. I on the other hand am an EDUCATOR.
Seriously WTF? This from a girls school where I am hoping they are educating the young ladies to become anything they can be (as we do in the State system) they are making a distinction between sexes? Why are we both not Educators? You will note that I did not say Academics, because I am not an Academic, I am an educator and pleased to be one- I am proud that my job involves educating young people and arming them with some skills to get through life, even if at times that skill is how to guess who the killer is in a movie in the first 15minutes, or the difference between a stereotype and a subculture (because that is very important. sort of) And also if I am completely honest it is a bit of a push to put Academic and me in the same sentence.

So while I am not sufficiently outraged enough to rip up the application, I am outraged enough to tell my daughter that she is just as smart as any boy and can be anything she wants. Except a Collingwood supporter, because no one wants one of those in the family.
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