Thursday 26 November 2015

The things that can happen when you are forced to rest with lots of codeine on hand.

Being both injured and at home is a strange thing. When I was working I would often pray for a nice little injury where I wasn't sick, but couldn't go to work. Well now I'm on leave and can't do a bloody thing. This is my second- or is it third? week of rest, and I have noticed a few things that I think are worth sharing.

1. You become very forgetful. Today is my first day with not pain relief, so this means my first day without codeine. The last three (or is it two?) weeks have been a blur. I remember very little. So a big sorry to anyone I need to apologise too. Or if I have forgotten something I said I would do.

2. You stop doing your hair. I have not blow dried or styled my hair any day. In fact the only time it has been done was the two times that I went out for dinner. It has been in a top knot. Put up at 8am and left until 8am the next morning when I redo it.

3. You become very comfortable leaving the house with your pyjamas on. At anytime of day.

4. You pick an outfit on Monday. And that becomes your uniform for the whole week (when you get out of your pyjamas of course).

5. You watch a lot of youtube and stupid videos that generally involve a dog, a cat or penguins.

This may not be a video but it is a photo with both a cat and a penguin. Gold.

6. You feel the need to share all these videos with everyone you know. They politely acknowledge them with a sympathy laugh.

7. You cry at dumb stuff. Like when the surgeons tell you that you need another 4 weeks on crutches or that you can't go swimming anymore.

8. You accidently book 9 tickets to Bali when you only need 3. (this is a true story- I really did this).

9. You do things like put headphones on your daughter's stuff toys. Because it looks cute.

10. You talk to the tv, because that is your only friend, and you find yourself actually getting interested in those home shopping ads. I know now that all my issues would be solved with a nutra/supa/ninja blender.

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