Thursday 11 May 2017

How to winter your wardrobe on a budget.

I'm on a budget. Now there are two very big issues with this, mainly being I suck at being on a budget and it's the change of seasons and I really need to do some work on my winter wardrobe.

So seeing as buying a whole heap of new stuff is out- I have had to do a stocktake on my wardrobe and work out how I am going to make it through winter with very few new purchases.
1. I looked at the websites from my favourite shops to get the key looks for the season and looks I liked. I then had a search through my selection of clothes to see what I had already. 

2.I also went to Pinterest once I knew what I had to search for outfit ideas.

3.I looked at my summer clothes to see what could be layered with leggings, a singlet top underneath, a jacket, scarf (all the extra bits and pieces.

4.I made a list of what I actually needed. For me this was a new long line cardi (I picked one with a hood), a replacement pair of black boots and a pair of flats.

5.I am keeping an eye on sales that come through my email. Because I am on mailing lists of my fav shops I get emails about special sale days. These are the days I will pounce on the items I want.

6.I am staying away from the shops. If I go, I will buy.

7.I am going to cheaper chainstores like Target and Kmart to see what I can pick up. But be warned- there stuff is not always that much cheaper than some more expensive shops if you look out for sale days.

8.Some things you can go cheap on- like leggings and singlets to go under clothes. 
9.Embrace the sporty lux look. You can get away with wearing your good gym leggings if you dress them up right. For example a pair of long gym pants matched with a oversized white tshirt, scarf, leather or denim jacket and a cute pair of sneakers ( i got a cutie silver pair for $8 at Target) instant outfit!

10.By changing you accessories you can get away with the same base layers. This means scarves, jackets, cardigans, oversized shirts are you friends.
This budget business isn't going to be easy... but we can get through this!

Wednesday 10 May 2017

When life gives you lemons...

Last week I was having a chat to a friend at work and we both said that we "needed to get a life" and I said " but we do have a life- it's not the life we thought we would have, but it's the one we've got so we had better start loving it."

I know some people get their epiphanies when they are on the top of a mountain, or sitting on a beach during some retreat but I got mine when I was sitting in bed, hung over eating a bowl of pasta watching the Housewives of New York. Sitting in my bed, on my own, feeling shit, eating carbs on a Saturday night is my life. And I am ok with that.

I know right?? Me- the hopeless romantic who believes in love and happy ever after may have just realised that I am living my happy ever after. It may not be the happy ever after I thought I would have when I was 10 and watching Prince Charles marry Princess Diana (well they didn't get it either so maybe not the best example), but its the one I've got.

Being single is actually ok. Some parts of it totally suck- like the bits where you have to put the rubbish out yourself and there is no one to get you a coffee on a Sunday morning but some bits are totally awesome. For example

  • you can put your pyjamas on and go to bed at 4:30 (pm)
  • you can go out at night and go to bed at 4:30 (am)
  • you don't have to make dinner if you don't feel like it
  • you have total control of the television/ netflix viewing
  • no one talks through the said viewing
  • you can do what you want when you want
  • you can nap all day without feeling guilty
  • you can get through a whole day without talking if you don't feel like it
  • you don't have to tiptoe around someone who is being moody
  • you can be super messy and not make your bed for a whole week if you don't want to
  • you have all the cupboards in the bathroom and all the wardrobe all to your self
  • you can eat dinner, in fact every single meal, in bed.
So while this is not where I thought I would be at nearly 46- that is the only things I share my bed with is two dogs and two cats, my life is actually ok.

Monday 8 May 2017

My pre run self talk

I have a love hate relationship with exercise. Even though I would probably be counted as a regular exerciser (3-5 times a week) it is still something that I find really hard to do. I hate to do it, but love how I feel after.

People who don't exercise ask me all the time how do I get the motivation to do it- especially as I get up at 5 most mornings to get it out of the way. Well this is how this most morning's conversations between my self pan out when the alarm goes off.

(Alarm goes off)
Me- Get up

Me- I don't want to get up
Me- Get up

Me- but my beds so comfy and I'm tired.

Me- You'll feel better when you are done.

Me- Don't care. Want to stay in bed.


Me- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I'll do it this afternoon.

Me- No you won't. You have to take Indi to choir this afternoon.

Me- I'll leave work on time and get a quick run in before we have to leave home.

Me- No you won't - you will be tired after work and you won't go.

Me- Yeah ok- you are right. I'll get up in a minute.

Me- It's been a minute.

Me- I don't want too

Me- You are complaining about getting fat but you won't exercise...

Me- I won't eat anything bad today.

Me - Yes you will.

Me- Well I didn't eat anything that bad yesterday...

Me- You ate a cupcake before you went to sleep.

Me- It was only a little one...

Me- And a piece of toast with pate

Me- Whatever.

Me- Fatty

Me- It's too dark

Me- There are street lights, and the sun will be up soon.

Me- It's cold.

Me- Put a jumper on and anyway you will be hot in 5 minutes

Me- The dogs will get sad if I get up. And the cats.

Me- They will forgive you when you feed them.

Me- But I'm tired

Me- Are you planning on drinking this weekend??Me- Ok I'm up.

(During the run.)

Me - This is shit

Me- Shut up and keep running

(After the Run)


Me- You are pathetic.