Thursday 20 July 2017

This post will change your life.

Now saying something will change your life is not a phrase I use lightly- but believe me this will.

I have one word for you. Heels. Who doesn't love wearing heels? Actually let me rephrase that- who wishes that you could love wearing heels without the pain in the ball of your foot? Well I hope you are sitting down. I think I have found the solution.

So because my life is so exciting, I spend most of it surfing the net collecting useless bits of information (which has helped me become very good at quiz nights), and I came across this little snippet of information. Let this picture explain.

This is a photo of my very attractive feet. You will notice (along with my very chipped nail polish) that two of my toes on each foot are strapped together. This is because I read that if you strapped them together this somehow manages to 'disengage"the tendon that is either on or runs ( I don't remember technical stuff) under the ball of your foot, which is the bit that hurts and burns when you wear heels.

So I decided today to test it. I wore my favourite boots to work which also have a heel that makes the pain in my foot unbearable at the end of the day. These are the type of shoes you either wear when you know you are going to be sitting down and only have to walk to the car and back( I like to call them dinner shoes) or you are getting hammered and that will dull the pain.

I chose today because I knew I had to walk around school a bit and I also have duty at lunch time. Duty is teacher talk for when you get to watch teenagers in their natural habitat and spend time telling them to stop swearing/ touching each other and to pick up their rubbish. Some times it can also involve breaking up fights- but that's a story for another day.

Well let me tell you....... IT WORKED!!!! At 3:45 when I walked to my car, I was actually walking. Not hobbling, not staggering, not limping. I was walking as if I was wearing flats. And I had put them on at 7:45 in the morning. Thats like a really long time.

Now I don't know what kind of voodoo magic this is- but it is magic.

Life changing.

You are welcome.

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