Thursday 16 November 2017

Love is love.

Yesterday I woke up to the news that Australia had voted in favour of same sex marriage. It was the result I had hope for, but was worried that may not happen. I only hope from now the Government does as promised and pushes the changes through quickly so people can be free to marry who ever they want.

As someone who has been married twice and to be honest probably doesn't believe in marriage or a happy ever after anymore- this issue to me is not about marriage, it's not about a ceremony, it's not about a commitment. It is about finally sending the message that as human beings you are finally able to love who you love without feeling like you are not equal.

As a teacher I see first hand teenagers who struggle with their sexuality. The fact that in 2017 teenagers can still be in this position is sad. The fall out is huge.They quite often suffer from mental illnesses including depression, anxiety, and self harm. This comes from the feeling that their feelings are in someway wrong or bad, or that there is something wrong with them. And the worst possible feeling of all for a teenager is that they are not normal.

The vote on same sex marriage hopefully sends the message to all teenagers that there is nothing wrong or bad about being attracted to someone of the same sex. There is something wrong or bad about you if you are mean, you lie, you cheat, or if you treat people badly. This is when you are a bad person. Loving someone, no matter what sex they are does not make you bad or not normal. 

In my 18 years of being a teacher I have seen too many young lives tormented over sexuality. I hope that the decision made yesterday by the majority of Australian's send the message to everybody that who we personally choose to love and be attracted to is entirely our own business, and everyone is entitled to the same rights.

Love is love- it is something that has never made sense,  and if you are lucky enough to find it you should grab and hold it tight no matter what gender it is. 

Yesterday finally love won.

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