Monday 4 June 2018

The answers to your questions....

I haven't blogged in since forever- I think I haven't really been in the space to have anything to say really. But as every time I see people I haven't seen for a while they are all asking me the same questions,  I thought I would interview myself, to give you all a catch up of what has been going on in my life.

So Emma- where have you been?
I have been around, just getting on with life really. Nothing exciting.

Ok- so lets start- how is Ross going?
Ross is still hanging around, nowhere near as bad as it was. I managed to get through first term with only one day off so that's good. I still get tired as fuck, and my hands and wrists ache, but other than that- it's all ok. Having more blood tests next week to see how active he still is. At least one of us is active.

Anything good come out of it?
Well mosquitos don't bite me anymore, and apparently my handwriting now looks like the handwriting of a 18 year old now instead of a 13 year old due to my Ross inflicted hands.

You have moved- does that mean you sold the house?
Ummmmm- no. The house was under offer but the buyers pulled out. So it is going to be rented out. I am in a cutie little unit. Yes, I am still in walking distance to The Balmoral (didn't want their profits to drop). It is the best and I love it. I can vacuum the whole house without needing an extension cord. 

You still teaching?
Yep, still at the same place I have been at since 2003.  Yes that is a long time and no do I see myself moving anytime soon. 

Your football team is pretty shit at the moment.
Yes they are, no I don't know why, yes Nat Fyfe is still a God, Yes I still love them, I really only go for the beer now. And the pies.

Any plans to run any more marathons?
That would be a nope. I am actually hoping one day to be able to successfully walk for a few days in a row. 

Have you got a boyfriend?
That would also be a no. Netflix, Stan and SBS on demand are the only things sharing my bed at the moment. Well and Indi when she is home. 

You seem to have a good bunch of friends.
Yes I do. The Garden Club are the best. They are also brutally honest with me and tell me the absolute truth even if I don't want it. Like the the other day when I showed them a picture of some dresses I wanted to buy. They all told me they looked like shit and were too short. I think it was their diplomatic way of saying " You are turning 47 next week- no one wants to look like mutton".

You haven't made a Youtube tutorial for a while- what's the go with that? 
Just been really lazy actually. I am planning on doing another one soon though. I just need to get Indi away from my makeup.

So whats in store for you now Emma?
Well I'm trying to get a little bit more Zen. I meditating and I have enrolled to do a Reiki Course which I'm really excited about. I'm also going to do a bit more writing. Thinking about starting a book. I'm going to call it " Did You Hear the One About?" It's going to talk about all the things I have done in my life where I have just had to stand back, shake my head and laugh at myself.

Sounds fab- can you give me an example of a story?
Sure. On the weekend I stayed at a hotel with my friend and our daughters. We checked in, I went to the room and there was a man in our room. I went back downstairs and they gave us a new room. The new room was on level 5. The old room was on level 3. On Sunday morning I went outside for a dart and then went back to my room. I had forgotten my card to get in so I was ringing the bell. My friend wasn't answering. So I stood there with my finger on the bell. I was looking down at my phone when she answered so I went off at her " For fuck's sake could you have taken any longer" I looked up. It wasn't my friend. It was a very shocked looking man. I was on the wrong floor. 

So can we expect to see more blog posts from you?
Yes. I think I am slowly getting my sense of humour back, so I do see more blog posts in my future.

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