Sunday 15 March 2015

How to deal with disappointment, in a few simple steps.

Disappointment my old friend, good to see you again. I am usually a very up beat person, and I do try to see the bright side of things, but sometimes disappointment rears it's ugly head. In my case it made an appearance on Friday when I found out I didn't get a job I have been doing, love doing and thought I was doing a good job at. 

I actually thought that if I didn't get the job I would 
a. cry, 
b. throw a few things, 
c. swear and 
d. storm out and slam the door. 
Kind of like this..

Surprisingly I did none of these things. I took the news quite well, and smiled a lot and nodded my head as I heard the feedback. At least I think I did, but in reality my face probably was more like this.

The worst part of not getting a job that everyone knows you are going for is that you have to tell everyone. So I walked to the corners of the school and told everyone. Although by the time I got to the final corners of the school everyone already knew anyway. I told everyone I was fine and it was ok, when really I was a bit like this.

So how did I deal with the disappointment? Here are some tips.

  1. Keep saying "It's ok." Because eventually you might believe it.
  2. Realise that when people say " Everything happens for a reason" they are trying to be supportive. Resist the temptation to say " No fucking good reason."
  3. But on a sad song on in the car and sing it really loud in the car on the way home. If some one looks at you feel free to wind down the window and say " What???? Never seen a sad person before?"
  4. Go to the bottle shop and buy a bottle (oh all right, 2 bottles) of your favourite wine and a big packet of salt and vinegar chips.
  5. Go to a good friends house and pressure them into drinking with you.
  6. Order pizza hut pizza. And garlic bread, and funny dessert things.
  7. Start getting drunk enough that you start saying what you really think about not getting the job.
  8. Get up and go to the toilet and realise you are quite drunk.
  9. Have a cry and feel a bit sorry for yourself.
  10. Finally realise that you are actually really drunk and really should go home.
  11. No really- put the wine glass down and go home.
And then as if by magic you wake up the next day and you feel kind of ok. The things that is heartwarming is that your friends always say the nicest things, and tell you that you are awesome.

And someone always has to come second or third right?

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