Tuesday 9 December 2014

The Joy of Pinterest

When I have nothing to do, I like nothing better than to waste a couple of hours on Pinterest. If you are not on Pinterest you should be. It is so much fun. There is heaps of good things on there. There is also heaps of crap. I have selected my favourite crap for you from tonight.
A snowflake made from two types of pasta. Genius, because if you if you run out of food- you can just grab the decorations of the tree.

Awesome things to do with a tennis ball. As I have no hand eye coordination- I am always looking for things to do with a tennis ball, and you will never lose your pens again.

You can dress up a cheese stick all you want, it will still always be a cheese stick. Just with a ribbon and a paper hat.

This is gold. A travelling coffee cup holder. Seriously.

Roses made out of strawberries and put on a stick. Because sometimes you just have too much time on your hands.

This one was "Don't throw these away! 12 thing to do with silica pouches". And it was no throw them in the bin repeated 12 times. 

This one also fits into the category of too much time. Actually thats a lie. It wouldn't matter how much time I had on my hands I would never make waffle flowers.

Because I have always wondered what to do with cooking bowls I no longer use.

A battery holder. Who has spare batteries?? No really- who?

I don't even know what these are, but the were under the "womens fashion" category. So they must be pants and not shetland pony legs.

A gift wrapping station for your kitchen. This would just take away the joy of searching through a cupboard 5 minutes before you have to be at the party trying to find wrapping paper.

No this is not a Christmas tree, it is four cardboard boxes stacked on each other.

Because every dog needs a giraffe onesie. No seriously every dog should have a giraffe onesie.

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