Monday 22 December 2014

Christmas wishes

In what can only be described as a crazy couple of weeks leading up to Christmas- the big day is almost here- as is the big day for holidays to start- Yay.

So leading up Christmas I thought it would be a very good time to talk about "the things you do at Christmas that you do at no other time."

1. Eat chocolate for breakfast. Morning tea, afternoon tea. lunch and dinner. I swear we consume more Lindt Balls and Ferreo Rocher (yuk) chocolate than any other time. It is also the time where every house has at least one box of Cadbury favourites. It is also the only time anyone eats the white ferreo rocher chocolates. I don't even know what they are.

2. You become best friends with the taxi driver. This is partly because you are so happy to finally get a cab that you greet and treat them like a long lost friend. And chat about EVERYTHING. I'm sure if they had a dollar for everytime someone asked them "busy night" they would never have to drive a cab again.

3. You are happy to drink cheap champagne. That cost you $4.11 at the bottleshop. This is because you have spend so much on gifts that you have no cash left for booze.

5.You hug people even if you are no longer a hugger. It just seems like it must be done.

6. You look forward to seeing people you have no interest in seeing any other time of the year. And you hug them. Like you mean it.

7. You seriously consider wearing a t-shirt with some kind of christmas greeting on it.  And then you think better of it. (most of the time).

8. You think you have nothing better to do with you money than spend it on a Secret Santa present in the hope that you will get the one really good gift in the Secret Santa box. Not the crochet tea pot holder that Mavis's granny made.

9. You are happy to sit down and eat a hot roast lunch, followed by plum pudding (which has no plums) and brandy sauce. Even though it is 40 degrees outside.

10. You feel a bit sad when you realised that Love Actually was on last week and you missed it- even though you have seen it 20 times and you swear that you don't find Hugh Grant attractive.

Merry Christmas everyone and I will catch you in a couple of weeks. Thank you so much for reading my blog and for telling me I am funny.

 If you would like to stay in contact with my crazy life head over to my Instagram account

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