Sunday 4 January 2015

Happy New Year and my New Year "thing"

Welcome to 2015. I know it is a few days in ( my brain in still in Bali mode so I am honestly not sure of the date) but I am slowly getting over my jet lag- I know it is only 3 hours but have you ever been stuck on a plane with 300 bogans?- and I couldn't remember where I hid my computer. There was an up side to this though- I did have to clean my room up in order to find the special hiding spot. Note to self- Don't change your hiding spot without leaving a note for your self.

Bali was fab and I have at least two awesome blogs to come about my time in Perth's most northern suburb, but for now I thought I would discuss my New Year "thing". I have decided against calling it a resolution because lets face it you call it a resolution because we all know they don't work so you don't have to keep them. Am I right or am I right? And no it is not going to be quitting drinking. If my "thing" was to be about drinking it would be to remember everything that happens when I drink.

So my New Years "thing" is to try and quiet my mind. You see it dawned on me that I am an all or nothing kind of girl (yes I know I am not a girl, but it sounds better than middle aged women). I don't go for a 5km run- I do a marathon, I either drink no wine, or I will have a bottle, I am either in my pyjamas or I am dressed up, I am either on a diet or I am bingeing. I have no in between switch. So needless to say my brain is either going 100% or I am asleep.

So I have decided to try and "calm my mind". I read an article about this thing called " Headspace" where they teach you how to train you mind for 10 minutes a day with their amazing free app ( which you only get for 10 days and then you have to sign up) It is kind of amazing and everything Andy (the person behind Headspace) says is so true. And he used to be a Monk so know he is telling the truth. A monk with a British accent, but a monk none the less. They also send you reminders on your phone to ask you how your meditation is going, and it has some cute little animations to help you.

I have also downloaded another free app about hypnotherapy. Well ok it is free unless you want to pay $3 for the Hypnotic booster. I am also starting to see that there is no such thing as a free app. 

So let me tell you this. This meditation thing is really, really hard. Have you ever tried to not think about anything? Andy Headspace tells me to just re focus when you feel your mind wondering- which for me was all the time. The Hypnotherapy women tells me to focus on her voice. I ended up finding both just exhausting.

Here are some tips I have found out.

1. Ensure you pick a spot where you will NOT be disturbed. I selected a lovely spot one day by the pool in Bali. I plugged in my headphones, pressed play and then was interrupted by all three of my kids. Like my daughter said- It kind of defeated the purpose of meditation when I am yelling " Can you all shut up- I am trying to meditate here."

2. Make sure there is nothing you have to do. Because I can guarantee you that when you are lying down trying not to think about anything, this is all you will think about.

3. You will find your self thinking some weird shit. Like last night I found myself wondering why they ever stopped making Yogi Bear Chocolates in the 70's. ( Start at the knees please). I mean what the hell is my subconscious trying to tell me apart from the fact that my mind is clogged up with lots of crap.

4. There is a really fine line between a meditative state and an asleep state. So maybe sitting up when you meditate is a good tip ( unless you are Asian, because they have the skill that they can sleep ANYWHERE. This is a skill I wish I could have)

Here is a link to Headspace - not to be confused with Headspace the amazing service for teenagers and young people at risk.

Here is also a link to Andy's TED talk

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