Tuesday 28 April 2015

Problems faced by people who are always hungry.

On the back of my first world problem of always being tired, I thought today I would address my second first world problem- The problem with always being hungry.

  1. You get really sad when you are down to your last bite of food.
  2. You get major food envy when someone has something yummier than you.
  3. Every major life event and place you visit is remembered by food. For example my best holiday ever was when I was about 6 and I went to Albany with my Grandparents. It was the first time I was introduced to Crumbed Chicken and Cheese sausages. My life was never the same again.
  4. You plan weekends down south so you can stop at your favourite servo and get a crumbed chicken and cheese sausage. Now I am aware you can get them in Perth, but if I let myself do that I will end up the size of a house.
  5. You get just as excited about getting plane food as you do about going on a holiday. That rattle of the food trolley, and those cute little packets of cheese and jatz crackers. YUM.
  6. You start thinking about lunch before you have finished breakfast. 
  7. You look at someone with total disbelief when someone says "OMG I am full." What is this full of which they speak? No really... what do you mean full?
  8. You get panicky if you think there is a slight chance you are going somewhere with no food. Hence the reason I could never go on Survivor.
  9. You think going without food for any longer than 3 hours counts as fasting.
  10. You would rather give away your Louis Vuitton handbag than do the 40Hour Famine. 
  11. You only drink sugar free or zero calorie drinks (except for wine of course) because why would you waste calories on drinks?
  12. You really don't understand shake diets. Why drink a shake when you can eat the same calories in food?
  13. You are prepared to wake up at 5am every morning if it means you can eat a bit more.
  14. One of your favourite things to do in a foreign country is to go to a Supermarket to check out the snack foods.
  15. You get really, really upset when you go out and it is only nibblies. Whilst nibblies are fine as a pre dinner snack, (or an after dinner snack for that matter) it does not constitute a meal. 

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