Tuesday 4 March 2014

If I wasn't so busy being busy I would be talking about moisturiser.

I don't know about you, but I have the driest skin in the whole wide world. Well ok, maybe that is a little exaggeration, but it's really dry.  I am always on the search for a pretty fab moisturiser, so when some new products are on the market,  I am there. 

Two new style of products have hit the market in the last few months, both designed for the lazy and the oh, so busy. On a side note, I have read recently that "busy" is becoming the new competition. Apparently we all try to "out busy" each other. There is no competition. I am the busiest. 

First on the market was the Nivea In Shower moisturiser. It is sort of like a conditioner, but for your body. It works like this- you wash yourself (if you have dry skin your best option is a body wash for dry skin- my fav is the Johnsons one). Once you are sparkly clean you sort of stand out of the water (us busy people are far to busy to turn the water off and then on again), rub it all over your body and then rinse it off. Yep- rinse it off. 
Click here to read the blurb from Priceline

Ideally it should be enough, and you don't need to apply another moisturiser , but personally I don't find it enough.  I would give it a 3 out of 5. This may be because I have the driest skin in the world. It comes in different strengths and is available at supermarkets, chain stores and you fav pharmacy or Priceline.

The second bit of moisture is moisture in a can. Good things come in a can, like squirty cream and squirty cheese. Now there is squirty moisturiser. This little can of goodness come from the kind people at Vaseline. They have seen that the busy modern girl needs to spray her moisturiser on.

This is moisturiser in a can.

This is cheese in a can. Best not to confuse the two.

The product comes in three different types, for dry, very dry and really, really, really dry. This product is sprayed on the bod after your shower. On the back it says it is best to apply it in one spray sort of in a dancing motion which is kind of tricky as your arms get tangled.

The product is ok and easy, but lets face it- is it really that hard to do a few pumps out of a bottle? I didn't find it all that moisturising, especially on elbows and knees, and it does work out to be really expensive and it doesn't last long. I think this product comes into it's own when you are sunburnt and need to do you back, or just need some cooling. I would also give it a 3 out of 5. You can also get this at all the places you can get the Nivea. Also Woolies have it 30% off if you have an everyday rewards card this week.

So in a nutshell, stick to the good old fashioned body wash for dry skin, and a moisturising cream. No one that's busy. Not even Beyonce.

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