Thursday 30 July 2015

To FOGO or no to FOGO

I was reading in a magazine last night that FOMO (fear of missing out) has been replaced by a new phenomenon FOGO (fear of going out). Apparently we are choosing to stay in rather that go out. My first thought was that the demographic was definitely not parents of young children who have no fear what so ever about going out. In fact maybe make that parents of any age children.

I couldn't really tell you what the reason  that they gave in the article but I think it had something to do with the pressure of social media making people feel like the have to be having a good time all the time. I don't know. Just the idea of not wanting to go out baffles me. I don't mean all the time, but never... when you are young????

But the more I thought about it, I  think that maybe they might be onto something.. In this day and age you can even replicate a night out without having to go any where, and make your friends envious all at the same time.

The wonderful invention that is the internet means that you can catch up with your friends (and frenemies) any time. You can text, face time or even skype. You don't need to go anywhere to see them.

You can wear your tracky because no one can see you bottom half, and if you do some nice makeup and your hair, you can take all the selfies you need. You can even get selfies of your friends and crop them together to make it look like you are out having fun (just make sure you get the background right).

You can drink your own drinks without it costing a fortune. And if you want to drink cheap wine you can. You can also order some food or grab a box of bbq shapes from the pantry.

You can dance around the house to your own music, without worrying about anyone seeing you or judging your musical taste  and you can take your drink onto the dance floor if you want to..

You don't have to worry about queuing for the toilet, or fighting some skanky girl for the mirror, and providing you are onto things there should always be toilet paper.

You can  stalk the  facebook and instagram of your friends and /or enemies and if you are so inclined you can go onto Tinder or an online dating site to meet that special someone.

The best part about not going out is that there is no hassle about catching a cab at the end of the night and you don't have to worry about having sore feet.

And remember of course to instagram everything (because if it's not on instagram or facebook - it never happened!

See there is something to be said for FOGO after all.

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