Sunday 3 December 2017

Find Your Tribe.

Yesterday I was listening to a podcast. Yes- a podcast. I'm new to the whole world of podcasts, but as the majority of my life for the last 8 weeks has been spent trapped in my house (apart from my daily doctor ordered excursions) I'm
mixing up Netflix and Stan with a few other riveting moments- hence the podcasts. Although being me I do tend to get distracted and have to replay them a bit.

The podcast was from Russell Brands "Under His Skin" and he was talking to Ruby Wax about Mindfulness and Mental Health. I really like Russell Brand and even though a friend and I disagree on whether he is now happy with his new life as a no longer drug addict and a husband and dad (he it totally not bored and is not missing his rock and roll lifestyle at all... is he??) I think he is one clever guy. Mental Health or mental wellness as my mate Russell likes to call it is something that interests me a lot. So I found this really interesting.

But the part that interested me the most was towards the end of the podcast where Ruby Wax started talking about a club she had started called "The Frazzle Cafe ". The idea is the club is where a group of people get together and talk. The reason behind this is because although we are more connected with others than ever before, the majority of people actually have no one to really talk to. We no longer have a tribe and we are actually really isolated. Ruby believes that we are not really connected to each other anymore and we spend the majority of time talking about superficial stuff we don't really care about and never have the chance to actually "talk". She says that we actually are quite alone, even though we are always surrounded by people.

This got me thinking because I actually do have a tribe. My tribe is called The Garden Club. Named the Garden Club because one day we all got together and did my garden one day ( not because we meet in the Beer Garden at The Balmoral although that is a valid point). My tribe has 5 permanent members and we get together at least every week and we talk. Sometimes we talk about life, we talk about our weeks, we laugh ( a lot), we cry ( we have all had a crying Friday) and we also consume quite a bit of wine. But most importantly we are there for each other. We are there to pick each other up when someone hits hard times, we are there to help each other out when we need it. We talk about our kids, offer each other advice, but most importantly we listen. We all know that each other is only a phone call away and if one of us needs each other we are there. We are honest with each other and speak the truth ( I tend to get " make good choices" and " you are not everyone's source of entertainment" a lot) We don't judge, we care. We also talk a lot of shit as well. We offer each other parenting advice, and will step in with each others kids when things get too much. 

The other thing about the Garden Club is that we have what we like to call "honorary members". They join us occasionally for our meetings and the members of the club always welcome them with open arms, although they are required to buy a bottle of Baileys and Baileys. Once someone has attended a meeting it is like they have become part of the tribe. They always seem to have something to offer, something to share, something to talk about or something to have a laugh about. Occasionally a husband or partner is brave enough to attend ( after our initial 2 hours of "Garden Club" time) and they are quite often called upon to give a male perspective (whether or not we choose to listen is another issue).

I feel so lucky that I have my tribe and if I'm honest not sure how I would have got through the last 12 months without them. They are more than my best friends, they are my people, my voices of reason. 

I love them all more than I could ever put into words. 

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