Monday 10 November 2014

I think I have my inspirational hat on.

I was reading something on Facebook the other day, it was from one of those sites that tells stories like 71 Reasons Why We're all Still Single or 60 First World Problems Girls Have to Deal with Every Day (it says things like "you went into the lounge room but left your phone in the bed room", or" you can't connect to the WiFi"- which for the record is one of THE most annoying first world problem ever.)
Any way yesterday the posted an article written by a man on a website call TIFU ( which stands for Today I F&*ked Up). Except this man wrote an article about how he realised he had F*$ked Up his whole life.

In his post he talked about how he was so preoccupied with working, getting a promotion, earning and saving money that somewhere along the line he had  forgotten to live. He had no relationship with his son, his wife was in the midst of a 10 year affair (and he didn't blame her) and he didn't even go to his Dad's funeral because he had a meeting at work that he "couldn't miss").
We should all be like this dog- who walked past people waiting for the Pope
I believe in lots of things, but I mostly believe in love. This is something I have in common with my favourite film director- Baz Luhrmann. Baz and I have lots in common- we are both Australian, and we both like Leonardo DiCaprio.
Who doesn't love Leo?
 He likes a good tragic love story as do I- and he believes that 'To love and be loved in return is the greatest gift of all " (seriously - is that not the most beautiful 13 words ever put in a sentence? Except for maybe " Hey-I have just put a few bottles of Verve in the fridge") but my favourite "Bazism" is " A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

And I couldn't agree more. You have to do things, mess up ( obviously a life code I am still living), and have fun. Now I am not just saying this to rationalise the amount of holidays I go on,  the size of my wardrobe or the fact that I really , really, really want to go to Adelaide (that's a sentence I never thought I would say) to see a fashion exhibition.

I think you can't wait for the right time, save things for the best, because there is never a right time, and the best in now. You can't not do things because you are scared about what tomorrow may bring.

Now to clarify- I do also believe that you need to work hard, get an education and a job. I also believe that you can't hurt people to get what you want. Unless of course what you want is a something really good and someone in in your way. Like a piece of caramel slice. Or a piece of rainbow cake. Or a super cute dress.
God I love caramel slice

So anyway here is my point. Live you life today, watch Baz Luhramn films (because they are super awesome especially Moulin Rouge even though it does have Nicole Kidman in it) and don't spend all your time at work,  and don't forget about doing the things you love. Because you will wake up one day and realised that everybody dies, but not everybody lives. So go and buy those shoes, wear the dress you are saving for best, spend time with people who make you happy, and will laugh at all the dumb shit you do  and have ice cream for breakfast- well if you want to. I wouldn't because I don't really like ice cream all that much, unless it is Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough. I would eat that.

               This starts of weird- but have a listen

Here is the link to the original article

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