Saturday 2 January 2016

Happy New Year!

                                 How I felt about 2015

God I was a bad, bad blogger in 2015. All that effort I went to to build my blog fell into a big black hole, which is where I hope 2015 has now gone as well. It was without a doubt the worst year of my life. Weirdly mixed with some good times- like a trip to Bali - well 3 trips to Bali -and my trip to New York. But true to form all the good bits were also mixed with bad bits, like the trips to Bali where sprinkled with kids fighting, my marriage breaking up and a stress fractured leg, and the trip to New York was punctuated by the actual stress fracturing of the leg and hobbling around New York on a cane.

Yes I became a 75 year old man on my dream vacation
If I can pull a positive out of it all I can say I have grown both mentally and physically( I will get to physical bit later). I have had some counselling, I am working hard at putting my marriage back together, I have put myself back together and I am nearly at a stage where I feel ready to go back to work. I said nearly. I've learnt life is fragile and things can change suddenly. I have also learnt this year the importance of friends and family, and how lucky I am to have such a great support base.

So back to the physical bit. 2015 is the year I got fat. Fat, fat, fat. I know I am fat. I weighed this much  the day before I gave birth to my youngest child. It is the kind of weight gain that now amount of taking off jewellery or clothes or dancing on the scales will fix. Mt trick of brown fat looking better than white fat is also no help. I honestly think someone I saw last week thought I was pregnant (and then they remembered I am 44). It is a good horrible12kgs. I have asked my husband if people celebrate getting back to their pre pregnancy weight should I celebrate getting back to my pregnancy weight?

I know the cause. In 2015 I basically lived like a cat. (Apart from when I trained for the marathon.) I will explain.

1. I was bed ridden for a good 3 weeks and then I could not do any exercise for 7. None. Not even walk to the end of the street. The most I did was walk to the letterbox. As I exercise for usually at least an hour a day you can understand why reaching 800 steps a day has resulted in reaching 800 extra mms on my butt. And boobs.

2. I have drunk far too much to drink away my blues and eaten far too much to eat away my blues

3. I have gone out for far too many dinners, lunches and coffees.

4. I have no metabolism left. None, nothing, zilch, zippo.

5. I wore the same outfit for 9 weeks. Stretchy pants with a tshirt. I didn't do my hair. I didn't put make up on. I dropped my daughter off to school in my pyjamas. I stopped caring.

So 2016 is going to be amazing. And it starts here. I have bought an exercise bike and I have thrown away the moon boot ( don't tell my surgeon. Or my mum) and I am back into it.  I have ordered the light n easy. I am not allowed to have botox or go and visit my friends in Sydney until I have lost 5 kgs. And seeing as I want to go and visit at the end of Jan I need to get my (large) arse into gear.

I am going to teach myself I can be fun without drinking, and I am going to only eat when I am hungry. I am going to stop living like a cat and start living like a dog. Always wanting to go for a walk and a play in the park. 

This is how I hope to be in 2016 when I live like a dog.

Wish me luck. I have a date with my exercise bike.

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