Friday 9 May 2014

First World Problems......

.. are an interesting thing. You see I know there are some serious problems out there, and I am meant to feel guilty about my little problems which are like nothing compared to real problems (like no food and water an stuff) but hell they are my problems and I am owning them.

So I thought in the spirit of " I am aware I live the most amazing life except of course for that 4 hours a week when I teach my Certificate II class (the worst four hours of my life- it's no secret, I even told them that)" I thought I would share with you some of my first world problems.

1. Some times I can't decide if I want a Latte or a Flat white. This is an issue because to be honest I don't really see the difference except one comes in a glass that gets really hot and the other comes in a cup.

2. Sometimes the seat warmers in my car gets really hot, and then I overheat for the whole day.

3. Sometimes I can't find the exact pair of black pants I want. You see I love black, but black is really hard to find in your wardrobe. And I have 5 pairs of black pants. It has to be the right pair of black pants.

4. Sometimes there are no new episodes of Come Dine with Me on Foxtel. I love this show, but I think I have seen every episode. Twice.

5. Sometimes my contacts get really, really scratchy, and then I have to take them out and wear my glasses and look like a nerd.
                     How I think I look with my glasses

                       How I really look with my glasses

6. Sometimes I get all the way to work without finding a single song I like on my iPhone. 

7. Sometimes the petrol gauge is empty and I have to go and get petrol. I hate getting petrol. It is such a waste of time. Sort of like going to the toilet. Why men want to spend hours in there is beyond me.

8. Sometimes I really, really don't want to get out of the shower. Because it is all warm and toasty.

9. Sometimes when I go to the shops after work there are delightful old people doing their  shopping. They get in my way. Is 4:30 really the first opportunity they have had to get to Coles?


10. Sometimes people make fun of me because I drink my wine with ice (blocks, not chemicals). I like my drinks cold. Judge me, I am used to your look of disdain.

images via Pintrest.

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