Sunday 24 April 2016

I am officially a Youtube channeller. It is harder than it looks.

I officially have a Youtube channel.
OMG- my first tutorial is up! And let me tell you it was way harder than I thought it was going to be.

It took forever to film, forever to edit (because I talk too much) and even longer to upload to youtube- which also resulted in the internet slow down to dial up speed and my 10 year old cracking it and going to bed.

Now I know it is wayyyyy too long, I play with my hair too much ( I had just washed it with new shampoo and it was feeling so soft and shiny), I swing on the chair a lot, and when I reach for products you can hear me banging them in the container and also the light is not fab. I was filming at my front window for some good natural light but every now and then the sun must go behind a cloud. 

So please head on over to my channel, have a little look and subscribe if you want to. I know there are a few issues I am still trying to iron out- like I am having issues with the channel saying there is not content unless you subscribe, but it seems to be working now. Let me know if it is not.

Also I can't work out yet how to add notes to the video with product details but I will work on that (after I finish my final essay for the Semester).

Enjoy! ( and be kind) (please)

I have inserted the link because I'm still having issues finding my video. ARRGH. I need to meet with my IT Guru Claire to help me fix it.

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