Friday 6 June 2014

Things that baffle me

I have had a lot of thinking time today as I have 3 hours straight of supervising children doing exams. It puts a whole new spin on boring. As I was sitting there watching the kids do their exams (which is a whole other post on its own) I started thinking about things that baffle me. This is what I came up with.

  • How do people with one hand do control alt delete to unlock their computer? (try it, you can't with one hand)
  • Why do paper cuts hurt some much?
  • Why do people with grey hair put brown streaks in it? It doesn't look natural, it looks like grey hair with streaks.
  • Why do they offer fish on planes. No one ever wants the fish, so if you are sitting anywhere near the back of the plane, fish is all you are getting.
  • Why is marmalade not called orange jam?
  • Why does conditioner come in smaller bottles than shampoo when you always use way more shampoo?
  • Why is being a Game of Thrones fan not nerdy? Fantasy = Nerds surely?
  • Why do people insist on talking about GoT in mixed company? People who don't watch it don't care (trust me on that)
  • Why does it always rain on my birthday? (June 9 put that in your phone)
  • Why can they send a man to the moon, make hormones that can change your sex but not invent a tablet to make you loose weight. I say want to lose 1 kg? Take 1 pill. GOLD.
  • Also why can't they invent a pill that will change your hair colour? You want blonde hair? Take a blonde pill.
  • Why does the person that is going to talk through the movie always sit next to/in front of/ behind me?
  • Why do I always pick the slowest checkout in the supermarket?
  • Why when you have spare money can you never find anything to buy, but when you are broke- you want everything?
  • How come you never, ever, ever eat KFC, but the minute you are on a diet that is what you crave?
  • How come you have to set your alarm and struggle to wake up during the week days, but on the weekends your body clock is bang on. 5am - you are awake.
  • Why is it way more expensive to eat healthy than it is to buy crap?
  • How come you never have anything to do, but when you get invited to something you also get 5 other invites for the same night?
  • Why am I tired ALL DAY and then go to bed and I am wide awake?
  • Why are weekends so freaking awesome?? (Actually I know the answer to that one.)
Happy Friday

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