Sunday 14 September 2014

The Marathon - we are 6 days away.


If you have been following my Blog you will know that I am running a marathon. Well this marathon is on Sunday. Yep. This Sunday. It is around this time that you start thinking "What the hell was I thinking (or wasn't thinking) .

Because it always does sound like a good idea when you start. Even the training seems like a good idea. Until you hit the long runs, well specifically half way through one of the long runs. Your brain starts saying things like" I have only run 22kms and I am stuffed- How am I going to do double this?"

The your training hits some road bumps. Like you get the flu, you go on holidays, or you go out and drink to much and are too hung over to go running.

So after four months of training- here I am fitter and 7kgs lighter (that was through dieting and had nothing to do with the running. You get soooo hungry from the training that all you want to do it eat). Oh did I also mention tired? 

I have bought and have worn in my new runners, bought new running pants, and new top for the big day (all of which have been worn to check for chaffing). I have enough Gu's and Gels and running belt (to hold the Gu's, a tissue and my phone). I have some neurofen gel for my feet, immodium to prevent "runners trots" (Google it- or youtube it if you are feeling brave) In fact one of the only thing left is to load my shuffle up with some awesome running music.


Carb loading begins on Thursday (a slight bump in the road will be a boozy lunch on Friday- but booze has carbs- right?). Saturday will be hydrating and resting my body for the nightmare that is 42.2km. 

I am trying to prepare myself psychologically- I know I will start feeling excited and amazing, then I will wonder what was I was thinking, then I will think I don't want to do it anymore, then I will think I can't do it anymore, then I will think I really can't do it anymore, and then I will get there. Somehow.


And then will come the after party- and I am sure it will all be worth it. Sort of.


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