Saturday 20 September 2014

Twas the night before the Marathon

Alright everyone. It is the eve of our marathon and I am feeling quiet. I am also feeling very, very sober. And I don't like it one bit. It is my friends Birthday and my two girlfriends are having a grand time necking a few bottles of Moet, while I am having a grand time necking a bottle of water. It is honestly not the same. I have realised why our friendship works. Because we usually all drink together. I never realised drunk people were so annoying. AND LOUD.

So I am just about all ready to go. I have just managed to get rid of a two day headache, which is not a two day hangover, no matter how much my husband thinks it is. (Note to self, don't call you husband after you have been drinking tequila- no matter how much of a good idea it seemed at the time.)

My shoes are ready, my pants are ready, I have my hat, my taping stuff for my feet. I also had the most genius idea during the week. NUROFEN GEL ON YOUR FEET! Honestly I don't know why no one has ever thought of this before. Or why I didn't think of it before. Painful balls of your feet are a thing of the past. Take that high heels. Seriously try it.

My top however,is not ready, because I realised today that I have forgotten to take it for a run. This means it could do one of the worst possible things. Ride up and that would mean I would have to pull it down every 5 minutes. I have my gels, I have my jelly beans for the final 10kms (because I have a tendency to do a few little baby vomits after 30kms and I can't do anymore Gels.) I have my immodiums ready so there is no pooping of the pants. I have my music ready, my watch ready, my number is ready and I have carb loaded. Assisted with a cupcake.

I have arranged to meet my running buddy- my brother. He has not had a drink for two weeks. Sometimes I question we are related. I tried to give up drinking once. It was the worst week of my life. We have also arranged out post run functions. My amazing friends have made me signs. They were going to keep them a surprise but they forgot to hide them. ( did I mention the drinking?).

The signs with a special shout out to Dawn for the Louis Vuitton Sale quote.

So I will catch you all on the other side, maybe a little bit tired and sore. My friends are making me go to bed. They are saying it's because I need to sleep, but to be honest I think I am so grumpy they just want to get rid of me.

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