Monday 11 August 2014

A little post from out Book Editor

Yeah alright, that is me as well. That is the good thing about having your own blog, you can appoint yourself to be whatever you want.

Now a little known fact about me is that I am a bookworm from way back. Another little known fact about me is that I am a qualified librarian. Yep you read that correctly. I can catalogue a book for you with the Dewey Decimal System in an instant. ( Well I could, but these days you just scan the barcode of a book and it gets catalogued for you) .

 My love of books is the fault of my mum and dad and Enid Blyton. My mum and dad are both big readers, and Enid Blyton made me yearn to go to an English Boarding School and play lacrosse

 (well when I wasn't busy drinking ginger beer with the Famous Five - the Secret Seven just didn't cut it). 
"We are the famous five. Julian, Dick and Anne, George and Timmy the dooooogggg"- yes it was a tv show and yes it had a theme song. 

My teen years were handed over to Judy Blume. She taught me everything I know.

This is the stylish book design from the 1980's.

So anyway I am going through a bit of a book stage at the moment, so I thought I would share for anyone who is looking for something to read while there is nothing on television except for people singing and people renovating houses. 

My disclaimer is if you are looking for literary classics you are reading the wrong blog. At the end of the day I am shattered, my head can't handle anything too tricky.

I have also decided on a ratings system. I will give the books a score out of 5 M's. ( M for emma- get it)

Everything to Live For- Turia Pitt

My brother gave me this book for my birthday as we are both marathon running tragics. It tells the story of Turia Pitt who along with others was badly burnt whilst running an Ultra Marathon in the Kimberly. She suffered burns to 65% of her body. The story had me captivated and I read it in two nights. Her courage is amazing, and the love of her family and friends is amazing. What is also amazing is the way that people with burns are now treated and the things they can do ( Did you know that there is a skin bank, and people can donate skin when the die, and did you also know that all the reserves that we had in Australia were on hold for the Rugby World Cup in New Zealand in case of a terrorist attack?)
It is such a good read, and I swear that after reading that she lay burnt in the full sun for 5 hours with only panadol for pain relief, I will never complain again.


Big Little Lies- Liane Moriarty

My mum and I had an argument over this one. I really liked it, mum not so much. Liane Moriarty is one of my favourite Australian authors. I think her books are really readable and relatable. This one  begins at a quiz night for a Primary school where one of the parents has ended up dead (and not over someone answering "what is the capital of California?" incorrectly- for the record it is Sacramento.)

You don't find out who is dead until the end of the book, but it is not who you expect. This is a good story set among the competitive world of competitive parenting. You will recognise every single type of mother in the book.

The book also deals with the darker side of how things and relationships that appear so sparkly and perfect on the outside are not always that way on the inside.

Apparently the rights to the book have just been sold to a movie studio. EXCITING.


All Fall Down- Jennifer Weiner

Weiner is a very popular author and her book In Her Shoes was made into a movie with Cameron Diaz and Toni Collette. Her books are kind of funny, and kind of fluffy, but a good solid read.

This one is about a working blogger wife and mother becomes accidentally addicted to pills. (no this book is not about me, I'm an alcohol girl- one mersyndol and I am out like a light. In fact I took one last night, and didn't even hear my son come home). Her life begins to unravel and she doesn't see it, but everyone around her does.

I like this book because I think it rings true on so many levels. I can see how the pressures of trying to be a good mum, help to pay the mortgage and caring for parents could become a huge burden. I think I can also see how as a culture we think it is ok to turn to alcohol and tablets when times are tough. (Who hasn't opted for the neurofen plus when a neurofen would have done the trick? or is that just me? ) And we only think of drug addicts as people who use "hard drugs".

Once again, mum and I disagreed on this one. I liked it, mum no so much (she is getting fussy in her old age)


Tongue In Chic- Kristie Clements

Kristie Clements was the editor of Australian Vogue who got -FIRED- a few years ago. Needless to say she was bitter and responded by doing some interviews about the "downside"of the magazine and modelling industry. (What????? Models have eating disorders???? Who knew.)

This book just confused the hell out of me. I can't work out if it is a piece of fiction, or a personal account. Because it says fiction, but is written like a personal account.

I gave up.


Me Before You- Jojo Moyes

Where the bloody hell has Jojo been all my life?  I only discovered her books on Friday when I downloaded a sample of books on my iPad trying to find something to read. ( This is my new system- I download a sample, read all the samples and then buy the one I like the most.)

Well let me tell you this is my new favourite author while I am waiting for Jodi Picoult to release her new book (those short stories are not cutting it Jodi). Her books are kind of like a funny, romantic, light and entertaining read all rolled into one. My idea of book heaven.

This is the story of Lousia who is hired to be the assistant of Will, a quadriplegic who was an action man before he was in an accident. She finds out that her has organised to go to Switzerland to die but has promised his mum he will wait for 6 months. Lou makes it her mission to change his mind.

It is a really good read, and yep - I cried at the end. Is there any better phrase in the English language than " Just live"

MMMM and a half (because nothing is perfect, the Western Australian Education System taught me that!!)

Happy reading!

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