Friday 22 August 2014

A magazine that bamboozles me

I love magazines. I buy lots of them because I love having something to read. I have my favourites and it is very varied, from fashion to "good" gossip (who) and fitness (runners world.) I used to buy women's fitness but I stopped for a while, until this week when I discovered that I had read all the magazines at Coles.

Well tonight I finally got around to reading it, and I know I am not the target audience but seriously are the young women of today that boring? Here is my favourite articles.

1. 5 ways to be a good fitstagrammer. Yep an article on how to take good instagram shots of you doing exercise. Seriously.

2. How to find your inner Zen. By gardening and getting a good welcome mat. And by welcome mat they mean the one that you put at the front door and says things like namaste. And gardening??? I always thought the way to find your inner zen was to just have a few wines. 

3. Astrology. Now there is nothing wrong with astrology but my mantra for the month is "Try not to forget the things you should remember." Right good tip. I will try to remember that, well as long as I don't forget.

4. How to make Sunday morning the new Saturday night. Apparently you should book lots of things for a Sunday so you don't waste your day in bed. Never fear though- "if you (accidentally) partied hard start Sunday with a large veggie juice." Thats their words not mine. Mine would be- If you accidentally partied hard,  head to Maccas for a bacon and egg mcmuffin, and orange juice and some hot cakes, or better still send your husband out for it so you don't have to get out of your pyjamas.

5. It  tells you how to clean your Yoga Mat. Nothing else needs to be said there.

6. Nutritional advice includes- how to love your carbs, how to eat your weeds ( that is WEEDS not WEED) and how to decide if your super foods are smart and not a scam. I could tell you what a super scam food is but I just don't care.

7. A fabulous recipe for a cheesecake that is made with cashews and no cheese (surely then it would be a cashew cake?) plus my favourite - 3 ways with quinoa.

and finally the article that made me realise I am reading the wrong magazine...

8. Holidays that will move you. Yep physically move you. And I don't mean from the breakfast buffet to the pool chair. I mean vacations with bootcamp. Let me tell you my idea of bootcamp in Bali is when you go to a drag show and the drag queens are wearing camp boots.

and then I got to the end of the magazine and needed a glass of wine.

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